Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hey everyone! I wanna give a shoutout to my "Home Sick" Friend JENNY! She has some kind of cold, so yeaaaa I wanna say feel better! And art class wasnt the same without u, it was less messy, but not as fun!!! (:

TOPIC: Turn OFFS on a guy....

What is it about guys that makes them wanna act "COOOL" around there other friends and totallyyyy ignore you for them? Its a TOTAL TURN OFF! and can be a "key factor" in ending relationships badly. A HUGE turn ON for a guy for me is them being protective, like edward in twilight but not to too much, ya know?

Today was boring, and I have alot to tell jenny when she gets back to school.....ttyl (: lovvveee u x 2!!


Jenny....or anyone....give me a topic to talk about next time through commenting!!! thanks... !

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