Thursday, April 9, 2009


sorry I did'nt blog much today but im gonna blog about what happened in my day today, its now 10:06pm...

THURSDAY, kinda like a friday because there is no school tomorrow (: yay!

  • morning
school, some science guy came in to talk about nitrogen? idk? the math teacher was being a bee with an itch, and yellin at me kinda. in art Me Jenny and Gabby were having so much fun with painting! (: fun times gals!

  • Afternoon

Lunch was fun, we had no "gay babies" @ lunch today! dont ask..inside joke! I was hyper. I had jenny and erika over right after school till 10:00, just a few minutes ago they left, and I was having sooooooo much fun, just us three, like on halloween. it was fricken hilarious. hahaha jenny "she used her super powers! woahhh!!" and erika "silly puddy buddys! :p"

  • Nightime

We (jenny me and erika) had pizza, cake, and then worked out outside it was funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (: woo! now im just hangin in my dadddds office chillin and typing this. I wish hanna could have come over, but she couldnt...haaannnnaaa you should have come over! =( ily all jenny hanna erika

thanks for reading and my next post will be about something, something funtertaining!


carissa (:

BTW: maggies in NYC! @ some play thingie, wish u were here tonight it was suuper fun yo! have fun in NYC, ily x 2!!


Jen said...

FUNN TIMESS!! Love you carissa! Who are the people that comment on your blog..? ;)

carissa said...

idkkk...but i guess my blog is pretty popularrr ? (: :P