Friday, October 16, 2009


OMG! im getting my braces off in 8 WEEEEEKS! WOOOOOhooooo! im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so frrrrickkken happpy! wellll CHECK OUT MY LATEST POST BELOW :) ;kpce grrrllllls.

Heeeeey; whats up everrryone!? k so...its carissa talking :) uhmm im at alexandras house right now haha and OMG funny storrrry... so me and her were like blastinggg music and shizz & then i went over to a chair and i was like "OMG WHAT IF UR MOM CAME IN AND I WAS DANCING LIKE THIS!?" And i was likkke on the floor and kiddin around like "sluuut dancing" [ like a tool ]. so then we thought her mom would come home like 1.5 hrrrs later but then her mom walked in at that time!!!!!!! ik right!? HOW EMBARESSINNNNG. totallllly hillars tho. :) k gooootttttta go; kpcee :)